Pack Goat Central

Full Version: Two North Idaho experienced packers
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OTwo faithful packers.  Ridge and Himal. They have gotten us into some awesome adventures! Sadly, we will be rehoming. They are almost 8 years old. Need to stay together. Both are La Mancha goats. Northern Idaho. Free to a really good home. Packs and gear are also available.. They would be excellent for training younger packers.
Do you still have your goats 
I have some young ones that need training
Do you still have your goats in have some young ones that need training
I am looking for 2 more expiernced goats to add to my beard have a group of 7 I have been a training that are 5 months and one is a 2 year old saanen alpine mixes and 1 Nubian would love to take the goats I am in north Idaho located just outside Saint Maries