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Full Version: The Goat-O-Rama Fiddle Livestream
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Check it out, today 4pm MST / 6pm EST / 3pm PST!

I've been doing this for the last month and I play fiddle along with videos of our goats taken during the past week!

I'm going to do a fiddle livestream with goat videos (see all the baby goats in action over the last few days!)

It'll probably be about an hour long.  I'm going to play some fiddle tunes and maybe tell stories about some of the goats!  All new goat videos and a song!  

Hope you can make it!


Good times guaranteed!

[Image: LiveStreamPromo-2020-10-11-1024x576.jpg]

The Goat-o-Rama goats are back after our pack trip in Utah!  I’ll be showing videos from the first day or two of our pack trip as well as replaying some of my favorite baby goat videos.

Hope to see you there!


The Goat-o-Rama goats continue their adventures in Utah this afternoon!  I've also got a new violin I'll be trying out!

Hope to catch you there!
[Image: LiveStreamPromo-2020-10-25-1024x576.jpg]

The Goat-o-Rama goats continue their exciting adventures in Utah this afternoon!

Hope to see you there!

The Goat-o-Rama goats continue their exciting adventures in Utah this afternoon!

Hope to see you there!

This is the final exciting chapter of our goat adventures in Utah for 2020!  Stop by and enjoy some tunes and goat videos!  Here about our exciting misadventures!

Hope to see you there!
I've got a special Utah bonus video for today!  The Finn-Cam footage!  Now you can get the goats-eye view of our hikes.


Hope to see you there!


Stop by and enjoy some tunes and goat videos!  I'll be replaying highlights from our Utah trip and some goat videos from earlier this year.

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