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Full Version: Fun with Mufasa
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More hiking today, with a new halter from Sopris.
He really likes his rocks.
Hope got a halter too. I got a cart ride from her today. A short on but it was still enjoyable because she behaved.
I love the Sopris halters.
These are my first ones but so far I am very happy with them.
Love those Alpine/Nubian ears! When you cross those two breeds, you never know exactly what kind of ears you're going to end up with!
Mufasa has started growing like a weed! When I weighed him 3 weeks ago he was 75# I weighed him today he is 83 pounds! It's all muscle he has also grow a inch in the last month 28 inches tall. I told Hope that he going to be bigger than her in a few months, she is 115# or so and 30 inches tall.
I'm getting more and more impressed with Mufasa every time I work with him! He is loving all the hiking and for 9 months old he is really mature. We worked on some ground work today, within ten minutes he understood that when I tapped the ground with the crop that he was supposed to stand still while I walked around. I taught Hope this and found that it was really helpful when I am ready to get in the cart.
A picture from earlier.
And a bite from the tree.
Took Hope and Mufasa on a short walk yesterday.
They look great!
Thank you!
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