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Does anyone pack with LaMancha?
The first pack goat I ever saw was a Lamancha / Ober cross. Colored like an Ober but short eared like a Lamancha. Was a nice looking boy. Hard to find people who like the no ears. I have a nice big Lamancha / Alpine cross boy on the website but just posted him to Craigslist cause I havent had any interest in Lamanchas. They all say the same thing. The no ears freaks em out. But in terms of packability, should be exactly the same as a Alpine. They are so close in temperament and character.
My friend who raises LaManchas and a few Alpines says the LaManchas have much nicer personalities than the Alpines.
I have a LaMancha alpine cross. Looks like Lincoln without horns. He's a nice goat and is the herd leader. My alpine is a bit timid. I really enjoy my LaMancha with ears.

Here is Gussy, 2 years and 36" tall...
[Image: 68BB21CD-BEE3-40E7-8DE9-8F32B726ED9E.jpg]