I REALLY need to find a partner (hornless) for my single pack goat!
Hey All,

Long story short (which I don't really feel like discussing right now)... my Alpine, Chester, passed away tonight. I now have only a single goat Buddy 2.5 yr old lamancha (& my to LGD's) who is bawling for his partner (they were raised together from near birth). So...I guess I really need to find him a partner or three fast. Anyway, if you know any great hornless true pack-goats in my vague vicinity I would appreciate the heads up.


LOCATION: Top-of-Utah at the South base of Ben Lomond
Oh, I am soooo sorry. I hope you can find a buddy right away. That's so tough. I'm sure you're already scanning Craigslist, but you might also contact the local 4-H club(s) in your area and see if anyone might be willing to sell. Even if you can't find a true packgoat, at least Buddy would have a friend until such time as you're able to find something more suitable. Once again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Isn't Dave trying to re-home Legion's pack buddy the Togg goat. Not exactly in the vicinity of Utah but maybe he can travel.
Another idea I just had is to contact some local animal shelters and horse rescues. It's not uncommon for them to end up with abandoned goats that they have a hard time re-homing. I know you don't want to bring home anything unhealthy, but you can usually do a blood draw and get CAE/CL tests back in a few days.
Lincoln has horns and knows how to use them. He is a push over though. Or at least he was for Legion to do so. We do have a beautiful Lamancha bucking that we are currently using to breed the coming yearlings. He will be busy for at least the next month and then I am not sure if he will be able to leave or if my other half has plans on him staying. In either event that doesnt help you out right now. I am very sorry Tou for your loss. We are here when you are ready.

http://prescott.craigslist.org/grd/4252843382.html (Nevada)
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
I'm not aware of any, though about 4 months ago the place was lousy with pack goats.

Tou, why don't you write up the same post on the utah pack goats email list. I bet most people on that list dont visit the forum that often. They have goats and perhaps they're really not doing much packing and would part with one.

Why not get a wether from a dairy breeder?
Dairy breeders dont typically keep older wethers.
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
Looks like I will be picking up some buddies for my 2.5 year old tomorrow morning; they are true experienced...hornless pack goats. Thx for all your kind words, well wishes & help! More to come...in a different thread.

LOCATION: Top-of-Utah at the South base of Ben Lomond
I'm still sad to hear about your Chester. Getting a replacement right away always does me good when I lose a pet.

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