Happy 4th!
Wishing everyone a very happy 4th of July!
Charlene in Central Orego
Happy 4th everyone!! Have fun shooting off or watching fireworks. Big Grin

Well,for those of you who heard,about 2 months ago one of my goats pulled her leg out of socket,and she was that way till about 5 days ago,when she somehow popped it back in. Big Grin She is starting to put more pressure on it,and she loves the freedom it brings. Smile It is so fun watching her jump around like A one week old baby goat does. Big Grin Soooo cute. Big Grin

What do you think of all my soap i've been working on the last month? There are 10 different scents. Smile https://cloud.openmailbox.org/public.php...09e1145d38 (Yes,the link is safe.) Wink
My words have power...And so do yours.
My website: https://sydev.us
opps,i forgot that this isnt the chat thread,duh me. :p
So i will post it in the chat thread Big Grin
My words have power...And so do yours.
My website: https://sydev.us
(07-04-2014, 02:00 PM)sydneyjd Wrote: opps,i forgot that this isnt the chat thread,duh me. :p
So i will post it in the chat thread Big Grin
Do you ship your soaps? Do you have lavender?

(07-04-2014, 09:22 AM)deschutes dawn Wrote: Wishing everyone a very happy 4th of July!

Thank you. I was really hoping it would rain today so the fireworks would not be as abundant. But it appears that will not be the case. I love in a dry area. I just hope people have common sense setting them off tonight.
I am sorry,but at the moment I don't. I might consider it soon though. Wink It seems to be a fun profession.
Yes,I do have lavender. Smile
My words have power...And so do yours.
My website: https://sydev.us
I would really like some lavender soap. So if you ever decide to sell some...
Ok, will see. Smile Not likely though. Smile How many bars would you be interested in? My bars are not real pretty either.I am looking into getting some nice rubber molds,but haven't ordered anything yet. Wink
My words have power...And so do yours.
My website: https://sydev.us
Happy 4th a day late! What did ya'll do yesterday?

We went to Westcliffe and watched the gun parade. My in-laws are visiting from Massachusetts and they really knew they were out west. They've never seen so many guns and horses all in one place. I brought Cuzco to watch the parade. People in the parade were stopping to take pictures of our goat! Several of them asked why we weren't participating. I told them Cuzco has been in so many parades in his lifetime that he's entitled to sit back and watch a few at his age. Plus, if he's in the parade he doesn't get Tootsie Rolls. Cuzco LOVES Tootsie Rolls!

After the parade we visited my parents for lunch and afternoon festivities. Cuzco pottered around the yard eating weeds while we shot my dad's potato cannon. Then I hitched Cuzco to his cart and gave rides. My 3 and 4-year-old nephews have never had so much fun--they had a front-row view of the pellet-dispensing orifice and their peels of laughter could be heard all over the countryside after Cuzco dumped cargo. I had to watch to make sure they didn't fall out of the cart in their hysteria. Cuzco was not amused and did not treat them to a repeat performance, but they continued to laugh at the memory on subsequent cart rides.

It was a fun afternoon. My brother tried driving Cuzco by himself. That lasted about ten steps before Cuzco realized I wasn't with him and there was a stranger in the driver's seat. He came to an abrupt halt and immediately began to back up and turn around. Then we got chased under the landing by a massive hailstorm. I had just unhitched Cuzco and he made a beeline for the only dry place on the property. There were already four adults, two kids, and an overflowing toy box crowded under the landing when Cuzco squeezed in. He was very polite about it. He's usually pretty obnoxious with adults and downright mean to kids when he's loose, but he knows which side his bread is buttered on. Before I got there, he had politely wedged his way between my huddled relatives and endured human contact as long as they allowed him a dry space to stand. My nephews ran under his neck and legs without comment from Cuzco. It was all very cozy.

I'm glad I brought Cuzco's blanket because it rained most of the way home and he was riding in the open truck bed. But the blanket is waterproof and kept him quite toasty and dry. He wasn't happy about his head getting wet, but at least he wasn't shivering. Once home, Phil hooked his iPad up to our big screen (we have a projector and roll-down screen) and started up his fireworks app. We were planning to set off some real fireworks in the driveway, but the rain put a damper on that idea. He put on some patriotic music and we all took turns creating a fireworks show on the big screen. Sounds cheesy? NO WAY! It's awesome. You're just jealous! And that's how the Hassey household made merry on Independence Day!
I shot off a bunch of fireworks,and ate popcorn. It was hilarious how my goats just stood there watching the fireworks. Big Grin
My words have power...And so do yours.
My website: https://sydev.us
Every 4th of July we get to stand out with the goaties and comfort them cause we have to many red necks who drop thousands of dollars on fireworks and scare the crap outta the goaties.
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale. http://trinitypackgoats.webs.com

S.E. Washington (Benton City)

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