Poisonous Plants near Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson Question
I don't know anything about poisonous plants in your area, but if you know they'll be in the areas where you hike, plan to bring a box of activated charcoal with you (the powder kind, not the fish tank kind). I bought some on Amazon. You mix it with water and give it so a sick goat. Make sure to bring a drench syringe with you so you can get it down them. We've had a couple of episodes here where a goat got into something poisonous and started barfing. I gave them an activated charcoal and they got better very quickly. Charcoal absorbs the toxins.

Get a photo booklet of poisonous plants in your area if you can and carry it with you on the trail. If you encounter a patch of something bad, put your goats on a leash and walk them past quickly. Make sure your camping area is safe. I know some people use muzzles in places where there are a lot of poisonous weeds, but hopefully your trail won't be that treacherous. Make sure to feed your goats well that morning and in the trailer on the way to the trail. Having an already-full stomach discourages gorging. If the trailhead area is free of poisonous weeds, let your goats spend their time browsing before you head out. If your goats have access to fresh browse at home they will be less likely to go crazy on fresh plants along the trail because it won't be a special treat for them. Goats who are used to browsing at home tend not to choose poisonous plants, and if they do, they don't usually gorge on them to the point of endangering themselves. Good luck!

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RE: Poisonous Plants near Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson Question - by Nanno - 08-27-2018, 10:18 AM

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