Charlie Horse's 2017 Picture Thread
Sunday, 2 April 2017

Supposedly there was a storm coming in, and judging by radar it would hit in about 4 hours.  I fed the horses and and headed right out with the goats for a short local hike.  The destination today would be the long ridge, upon which all the sandstone rocks seem to be very old and are eroding in interesting ways.

In a wash, 3 feet down in the eroded wall I spotted this old bone.  It surprised me because I didn't think that bone lasted long enough to be covered over and then re-exposed this way.  Is it hundreds of years old?  Is it a deer?  A cow?  The lost Dutchman and his gold?

Its Victoria's turn for a portrait.  She's been having problems for the last few months.  I've been thinking about it and I think she was poisoned by bind-weed or something back at the old place.  She seems to be getting better on her own.  Nothing the vets did seemed to make a huge difference, so lets hope she recovers over time.

Here's a long shot at the San Rafael in an area I've never explored.  Its close to town so I cant wait!   If my guess is correct, I may be looking at the Devil's Monument area.  The light, smooth sandstone is just a piece of a whole network of canyons.  Currently I only have a very worn down Lexus RX300 which could carry a couple goats, but is too unreliable to take into the desert.  Also, I have banned that car from towing anything due to its well aged transmission.  Once that goes, the junk yard is the next stop.   I'm hoping I can save up for a used work-van for goat hauling trips, though I don't know how soon that'll be.

I'm going to call this place the rock garden.  Down the side of the ridge I found a cluster of particularly interesting sandstone.



I should have let the goats eat before heading out.  The storm never showed up and the goats fought the whole time coming back.  I had to leash Victoria or she would have gone half a mile ahead and taken the rest with her.  Everyone was constantly churning and head butting and taking cheap shots once we got to the paved road.  Drove me crazy and kinda ruined the hike.  Lesson learned though.  I had thought they'd have plenty to eat with the pasture, but they sure wanted hay when they got home.  Ah well.

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RE: Charlie Horse's 2017 Picture Thread - by Charlie Horse - 04-04-2017, 11:23 AM

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