Can't stay away!
After having goats in the late 90's up until about 5 years ago I again have a couple prospects. Opening day of deer season last year my teenage sons both shot bucks a couple miles from the nearest road! By the time we were back to the truck with the rewards we had spent way to much of the day and this out of shape not as young as I once was man was spent. 

I decided that I wouldn't pack game again and contacted a few buddies and am now the proud father of 2 teenage sons, a 12 year old daughter and 2 nice bucklings that should help me keep that goal in a couple of years. Now let's hope any game harvested this fall is up hill and close to the truck. There's a good possibility that there are a couple more  little guys that will join them in the next week or two but my buddies are having doe years. 

On a good note my daughter is a trooper and hasn't missed a feeding all week and even picked one of them to be her goat. I hope that enthusiasm continues because I go back to work tonight for a couple of days any my wife hates bottle babies.

Messages In This Thread
Can't stay away! - by B Smoot - 03-23-2017, 01:39 AM
RE: Can't stay away! - by Colorado Shawn - 03-23-2017, 05:12 PM

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