2017 NAPgA Rendezvous in Lake City, CO - June 15-18
Phil and I with Finn and Sputnik at the summit. 

Jordan, Carl, and I share a laugh. What was so funny? Or are we all just glad to be at the top?  

Finn showed off along the cliffside just like he did when we hiked this mountain last fall. 

Like father like daughter. 

Please don't jump, girl! Tigerlily and Finn both gave me heart palpitations as they cavorted as close to the edge as possible. 

My goat, Sputnik, is more sensible. He preferred to spend his time resting up a safe distance from the precipice. 

There is a 360-degree view from the top. Tigerlily wanted a peek through the binoculars. 

Eventually even Finn took time out for a rest before we headed back down. 

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RE: 2017 NAPgA Rendezvous in Lake City, CO - June 15-18 - by Nanno - 07-03-2017, 01:14 PM

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