Tri Cities area vet check with Matt the Vet
Howdy friends.

Just got off the phone with Matt the vet and nailed down a date. Now just need to figure out a time. He will not be able to join us for a small hike/walk afterwards so he will come out Friday, June 20th. Anyone who is planning on coming out to have their animals checked for the rendy, please weigh in on what would be the best time for you to come out. Ill make sure to be available the whole day. Also, if you need some tattoos done, we should try to get them done about 2 weeks before this vet check. So hit me up with a date you would like to get that done as well. Thanks!

Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
Speaking of Vet Checks, did you get my boys poops under control?
Yep. Everyone except for one in that pen are pretty much under control. Think the worming did its job Smile I still cant keep him outta the wheel barrow. Now as I am wheeling it out of the pen, he likes to play with me by jumping out, looking at me as if to say "See I got out... HAHAHA! Nope I lied!" And he jumps back in. I have to wheel him all the way outta the pen before he will jump out.
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
Ok talked to Matt today and the 20th of June is locked in for the vet check day. I will be taking the day off of work, Curtis has it off as well. So anyone who wants to weigh in on about what time, please do so. Thanks!
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
(05-13-2014, 11:34 PM)Dave-Trinity-Farms Wrote: Yep. Everyone except for one in that pen are pretty much under control. Think the worming did its job Smile I still cant keep him outta the wheel barrow. Now as I am wheeling it out of the pen, he likes to play with me by jumping out, looking at me as if to say "See I got out... HAHAHA! Nope I lied!" And he jumps back in. I have to wheel him all the way outta the pen before he will jump out.

Well I have a wheel barrow with two wheels in the front so he will have fun here.

He sure sounds like a character.
LOL I cant keep him outta the wheel barrow! I have to wheel it in to feed that pen and I can push him out a dozen times and he still wants back in. He chases me as I leave the feeder to head out of the pen just so he can jump into the barrow one last time Smile

Back to the topic:

Matt the vet will be out here tomorrow morning (Friday 13th) to castrate some prospects. Ill nail down a time for Friday the 20th for the vet check. Im thinking after 10 am would be good. This will allow everyone who needs to, to get morning chores done and will leave enough time to maybe go for a little walk after if everyone is so inclined. The Yakima is still super high and fast, so I dont think we will get any water training or fishing in. So if anyone has any ideas where they would like to go for the walk, feel free. I am still suggesting the area over by Beaver Bark along the Yakima. Im going to try and get out around there this weekend to see if its worth it. Id like to find a shady trail but this is the tri cities. There are some trails behind the Nurseries on Van Geisen heading to west richland that could also work. Ill post more on those locations.
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
Thanks Curtis for coming out for the visit. Was good to chat with you. Thanks for the offer of the use of the trailer!
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
How'd my boys do on the Vet Check Dave?
They Aced it of course LOL
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
I knew they wouldn't let me down. LOL!

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