"Old MacDonald Had A Goat-Chicken"--Colorado State Fair 2017
After the obstacle course, Phil and I raced to get into our costumes. Disappointingly, there were no kids entered in the costume class at all this year, but in a surprise twist we did have one other adult competitor! This is the first time any other adult has competed with Phil and I, so naturally we were tickled pink. I keep hoping one day the costume contest will actually become a big event because it sure is fun! 

Phil and Tinny went as Jabba the Hutt and Princess Leia. It's hard to see, but you can just make out the "hair buns" tied to Tinny's halter. And yes, the goat is wearing a bikini. Apparently she has no sense of shame--she strutted right out there in this thing and seemed proud to wear it. 

Sputnik, on the other hand, was NOT proud of his costume. The words that first come to mind are "patient" and "long suffering". I stuffed my poor goat into a hot, itchy chicken suit so he could be Old MacDonald's chicken-goat (e-i-e-i-o, with a cluck-baa here and cluck-baa there, etc.). The legs are my favorite part, although there is a lot to be said for those ridiculous, unwieldy wings. I had to turn them sideways to get in the gate. I can't believe Sputnik actually put up with this level of stupidity, but his tolerance paid off. Our costume won first prize and we came away with a big jar of M&M's, which Sputnik couldn't get enough of. All I can say is that no goat was ever more deserving! 

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RE: "Old MacDonald Had A Goat-Chicken"--Colorado State Fair 2017 - by Nanno - 09-04-2017, 10:43 PM

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