2017 NAPgA Rendezvous in Lake City, CO - June 15-18
Whose are these handsome faces in our rearview mirrors? 


The Hartman family has owned the San Juan Soda Company since I was a little girl. I grew up with the Hartman kids, and eventually they started having their own kids. Everyone chips in to help run the soda shop in the summer. It is the epitome of the "family business." 

The Hartmans have preserved the original old bar with its bar stools and they serve ice cream in what looks like a proper old-fashioned drug store. 

I had a fun time holding three goats and an ice cream cone and trying not to lose all four of them. 

The Hartmans generously offered our goats as many broken waffle cones as Phil and Kate could carry away. While this photo makes it look like Finn is the hog, it was actually Sputnik who ate inhaled most of them, beating back all competition and daring them to come any closer.  

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RE: 2017 NAPgA Rendezvous in Lake City, CO - June 15-18 - by Nanno - 06-24-2017, 04:41 PM

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