Pueblo County Fair Packgoat Competition
My Caique parrot, Crayola has been a little stir crazy lately so I bought him a cheap parrot toy at Walmart. Yesterday I walked in the room and looked-- He had dragged it over to his water bowl and had been dipping the colored rope into the water and chewing it. The stain washed out of the rope and turned the water almost black. Half of his orange face was stained dark, dark green. I grabbed him and stuck his head under the sink and washed at the stain and now it is light green. The toy dropped onto the drop-cloth I put under the parrot cages and now there's a rainbow stain on the cloth. WHY do they make bird toys always have that stupid water color stain on the wood and rope???!!! Why do the Napalese use the same stain on their embroidery thread? I blame global trade.

[Image: crayolastain.jpg]

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RE: Pueblo County Fair Packgoat Competition - by Charlie Horse - 08-02-2016, 01:39 PM

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