NAPgA Pack Goat Rendezvous June 25-28!
Before I begin, I want to add that the weather on this trip was incredible. It was not too hot, not too cold, not windy, and it didn't rain or hail or pelt us with bugs. 

The first thing Phil and I did on the way to the Rendy was get our trailer fixed. We discovered that morning that the lights weren't working and we had to stop off at the trailer repair place to have the man look at the wiring. The goats had to be unloaded and tied out of the way while we waited. 

Friday was a fun day. We had about three miles of trail to look over and remove obstacles. Nancy brought her beautiful Oberpackers. Sadly, her biggest boy, Scout, had to be put down recently so there was only Hobbes and Cruiser to do the packing for Nancy and John. They purchased a new little Ober at the Rendy and brought him along to watch the fun and learn how big goats do things. His name is Blazer. Isn't he cute?

We got to a beautiful overlook where we stopped for a short break. Cuzco was a champ that day. He carried the chainsaw in one pannier which was balanced with gas, oil, and me and Phil's lunch and water in the other pannier. He carried around 35 lbs. that day and he never missed a beat. He was proud as punch to have such an important job. 

Cuzco's Rambo shot o' the day. 

Phil found a golf ball on the mountaintop which he practiced twirling on this finger. 

Phil tried to get Finn to pose and look noble for the camera, but this goat was on the move and didn't want to be restrained for anything! 

My younger crew was loud during certain parts of this hike--especially Sputnik. Then he would set the others off. My "Three Stooges" kept getting excited and running ahead to join other people and goats, but then they would lose where we were and start bawling their heads off. It didn't help that Phil and I walked separately most of the time, so the boys were perplexed about who to follow. It's NOT ok for the herd to get separated like that! Cuzco, on the other hand, was totally chill. He's old and wise and he knows we'll all find each other eventually.  

It was a lovely trail, but there was a lot of up and down and very little shade for most of it. The views, however, were spectacular. The best part of this hike was taking time to talk with the other hikers and getting know them better as we went along. 

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NAPgA Pack Goat Rendezvous June 25-28! - by Saph - 05-30-2015, 09:46 AM
RE: NAPgA Pack Goat Rendezvous June 25-28! - by Nanno - 06-30-2015, 11:37 PM

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