Goat Needs Psycho-Analysis! Anybody got that Shingle??
Spots, alias "Mean Mama", raises our biggest kids, babysits other's babes including a cripple at the barn until it was well enough to travel with the herd again. She is people friendly, easy to handle/doctor. But mean to other nannies but definitely herd leader. She is currently nursing a 2 month old baby. 

Tonight we tried to put 4 wether in the pasture with her and the nannies. They were neutered 2 weeks ago. This would.get them away from our two goats.we.are.still doctoring, give.them more room, graze, shelter options.and.access to some obstacles to climb.

One wether Rockie is her 10-month-old son. She attacked him with vengeance. She would.not relent till we.pulled them apart and put him back with the two sick bucks. End results was Spots.had some blood.base of one horn. Rocky appeared wild-eyed and wound up badly favoring one leg. Luckily after the separation, he seemed to get over the limping.after.a.while.

It's not like.they have been completely separated. The buck pen and barn and.pastures.are only separated.by a high netted.fence where they can.see.each other anytime, especially while eating.and sometimes.when.we.have to pen them at.night during bad weather in their barn with only the wire separating them.

Do we need to sell her or would.another nanny just take her place as.herd bully? Is that just the nature of whoever emerges as.herd leader?

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Goat Needs Psycho-Analysis! Anybody got that Shingle?? - by blackie's maiden - 02-21-2019, 07:22 PM

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