I should have known better...
What with all my deep snow and bad weather here in Montana, “Grover” hadn’t been out of his house for a while - so I decided to let him wander around while I did some clean up in my garage. Bad idea.

He followed me to the garage and at first he busied himself with the empty grain bucket. No harm there. Then he sniffed his pack saddle and panniers. I thought maybe he was remembering the backpacking trips we took last summer. I smiled as I, too, remembered.

But it was all down hill from there.

I saw him eying an empty coffee cup. I guessed what was about to happen, so I raced him for the cup. I lost the race. CRASH went the coffee cup, broken to splinters on the concrete garage floor.

Next thing on Grover’s agenda was to poop on my garage floor. Then he peed.

Not satisfied with the mess he’d made, he tipped over a can full of nuts and bolts - twice. While I was picking up the hardware for the second time while chewing him out (which does no good with a goat; “no” doesn’t mean “no” to a goat; it just means “not right now”).

Lastly, he felt the need to challenge my authority so grabbed him by the beard, hauled him outside, tipped him over, and laid on him until he quit squirming. 

This whole parade took about 10 minutes, after which Grover found himself back in his house.

Messages In This Thread
I should have known better... - by Montana Mike - 03-18-2017, 04:16 PM
RE: I should have known better... - by Nanno - 03-18-2017, 08:36 PM

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