Cuzco's Glamour Shot o' the Day
"I should have been in the movie... strike that. I AM the movie!"
I love "airplane ears!" Big Grin
Goatberries Happen!
Cuzo must be so jealous. Will you post the photo of Cuzo with the mittens on his ears? I love that picture.
The earmuff picture is one of my favorites too! He looks so pleased to be wearing them. Big Grin

(02-17-2014, 02:07 PM)Taffy Wrote: Happy Birthday a day late Phil! Are those LaMancha? I don't see any upright ears. Big Grin

They are half Alpine, half LaMancha. They have the cutest little elf ears! Sadly, the one Phil is holding got killed by dogs a few days ago. It's really too bad because she was the only doe from that kidding, and she was so friendly and sweet.
(02-17-2014, 10:05 AM)Nanno Wrote: Yesterday was Phil's birthday, and he wanted baby goats. My friend Jordan (who we bought Nibbles from) had several brand new babies to choose from and she was kind enough to bring three of them over so we could watch a movie while holding fuzzy, warm goaties in our laps! Big Grin

"They are half Alpine, half LaMancha. They have the cutest little elf ears! Sadly, the one Phil is holding got killed by dogs a few days ago. It's really too bad because she was the only doe from that kidding, and she was so friendly and sweet."

Oh! That is so sad! Sad
Goatberries Happen!
Haven't seen any glamour shots for awhile...........................Tongue
Goatberries Happen!
Ya, would enjoy seeing some of my favorite goaties in action Smile
Pack Goat Prospects For Sale.

S.E. Washington (Benton City)
With mud season upon us and the glamour shots not looking so glamorous, I thought I'd sit back and let Dave provide the entertainment for a while. You have to admit, he's doing a bang-up job! I can't stop checking his thread. Big Grin
This is definitely NOT a "glamour shot," but it is Cuzco's so I'll post it. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a bucket-o-hair.

I brushed Cuzco for about ten minutes yesterday and in that short time managed to half fill this two gallon bucket. Cuzco's coat has never been this luxurious and dandruff-free. I think it's the oil I've added to his diet. I did it to help keep weight on him through the winter, but it's done wonders for his skin and coat. I started out with vegetable oil, but that stuff makes a horrific mess of everything. So I switched to black oil sunflower seeds around Christmas. Not only are they not messy, but Cuzco goes nuts over them. The other goats took a month or so to warm up, but now everyone loves their sunflower seeds in the morning.

In other news, Lilly is starting to show. Big Grin
Better tell Cuzco to hang on to that hair. Colorado winter isn't over yet! Big Grin

My goats love their black oil sunflower seeds. They think it's crack candy for goats!

When is Lilly due?

(03-08-2014, 06:09 PM)Nanno Wrote: This is definitely NOT a "glamour shot," but it is Cuzco's so I'll post it. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a bucket-o-hair.

I brushed Cuzco for about ten minutes yesterday and in that short time managed to half fill this two gallon bucket. Cuzco's coat has never been this luxurious and dandruff-free. I think it's the oil I've added to his diet. I did it to help keep weight on him through the winter, but it's done wonders for his skin and coat. I started out with vegetable oil, but that stuff makes a horrific mess of everything. So I switched to black oil sunflower seeds around Christmas. Not only are they not messy, but Cuzco goes nuts over them. The other goats took a month or so to warm up, but now everyone loves their sunflower seeds in the morning.

In other news, Lilly is starting to show. Big Grin
Goatberries Happen!

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