Cuzco's Glamour Shot o' the Day
It is wonderful goat country! We moved to this property six years ago when Cuzco was nine years old.
A comment left on my blog this morning made me smile. This one is from Scott Ross Wilkins, a student at Houghton College where Phil and I graduated and where we had Cuzco the first year plus that we had him.

"That wonder goat was one of the highlights of my senior year at Houghton. I remember him dancing on our lawn and then running inside to hide in our upstairs bathroom. I remember him being our unofficial Homecoming King and proudly walking, bedecked in flowers, in our parade. This post was a worthy send off to a worthy goat."
I just got a cool card from Morris Animal Foundation. Apparently our vet friend who put Cuzco to rest made a donation to their research foundation in his name. That's really sweet and very awesome.
Here's a video of one of Cuzco's last and favorite meals--garlic cheese knots from Viktorio's Pizzeria! Boy was he ever excited! I've also got a few older clips of him eating spaghetti and fruit cake. Silly, silly goat! 

Aw Cuzco ... how many times was he smacking his lips in those videos?! He certainly was a big fella with loads of presence Smile
Happiness is a baby goat snoring in your lap
Oh man, he smacked his lips so many times!! He loved that garlic butter!
I just got a sweet letter yesterday from the lady we bought Cuzco from all those years ago. I have sent her "Cuzco" letters at Christmas for many years now, giving her updates and photos, and telling her of our adventures with the wonderful $25 "bargain goat" we bought from her. This year I was sad to report that Cuzco went to rest last spring. I've never heard back from this lady in all the years I've written to her. I only hoped I was still sending my letters to the right person! But finally this year she wrote back. She says she has loved getting Cuzco's Christmas letters over the years and has kept them all. She has been dreading the day she'd get the last one, but she's glad Cuzco had such a long, happy life. She still has a few dairy goats left that are descended from the ones she had when we bought Cuzco, but most of the goats they raise now are meat goats. It was nice to hear back after all these years of writing to her.
Oh how nice!
Happiness is a working goat
That is so nice. I wonder what took her so long to respond. I never saw that video of lip smacking garlic cheese knots. It was a nice pick me up after along week.
That is neat.
Today we stroll the neighborhood, someday we'll climb mountains together..  Heart

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