One Success, One Utter Failure OnTrimming Hooves
Just had a crazy idea. I see alot of pictures of wild big horn sheep blind folded and hanging from a sling (usually flying along below a helicopter being transferred to land the animal has never seen). All you need is a blind fold, a sling and back hoe to pick him up off his feet. If someone was very creative you may be able to mock up an tall engine hoist, block and tackle with pullies, or small crane like structure to pick up the goat. I'm not sure this would work but I can't imagine a goat can struggle or kick much while suspended. If you were quick he wouldn't be up long and maybe he would accept some treats to help ease the stress.

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RE: One Success, One Utter Failure OnTrimming Hooves - by IdahoNancy - 11-01-2018, 02:02 PM

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