Perry intro
There very pretty Benson and George look like my young pack goat's brother. If you go into the "what did you do today" there are pictures of them
Happiness is a working goat
Greetings from Australia. Awesome photos and history of your experiences with goat packing. Out of interest, why do you prefer goats over llamas? I have relatives in Mt Vernon. What a beautiful place - especially during tulip season Smile
Happiness is a baby goat snoring in your lap
Llamas can be good pack animals.  Mine are both pretty good. 

I like goats because they are more friendly, people oriented, most like to be petted.  Part of the reason for switching back is just because I've got a lot more experience with the goats; and as a result they're just easier for me.
I have a friend that tried Lamas but after a while decided that for them donkeys are the perfect pack animal
Happiness is a working goat

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