9th Annual Hassey "Goat Vacation" -- It's About Time!!
It's about time I continued this thread! I barely even started on the first day of hiking! As we continued on our Whiskey Wash hike, we soon encountered a strange field of flat, solid rock. It was like an ancient runway or parking lot kept clear by the wind.  

The "parking lot" became more contoured and windswept as we neared the edge. 

Phil found a nice little nook to curl up in.

Unfortunately our photos of this cool formation didn't come out well, but I have to include one anyway just because it was a really cool formation

The goats love multi-level rock shelves like this one.

Phil and I ate lunch on this narrow shelf in the shade. Herb and his goats ate on the other side of the rock since there wasn't room for all of us in any one location. Goats from different herds can be a bit territorial. Herb's dog Luna kept coming over to visit our side of the rock and I kept having to send her away. Sputnik does not like Luna and every time she came around, Sputnik would watch her like a hawk. I know he was just itching for an opportunity to pitchfork her over the side of the cliff. That would have ruined everyone's day. Except perhaps Sputnik's. 

What is Finn doing hiding back there? He's usually front and center when there are cameras pointed at him! 

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RE: 9th Annual Hassey "Goat Vacation" -- It's About Time!! - by Nanno - 01-10-2021, 07:34 AM

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