One of my wethers in surgery at WSU for UC
They sedated him Wednesday and tried to do contrast imaging but couldn't get the dye to pass from either direction in the upper portion of the urethra so that pretty much tells them he is blocked in that location.

Second surgery is scheduled for Tuesday morning to use endoscopy to try to go in and pull the stone out through the bladder. They are consulting with their small animal specialists to put together the right sized instruments and come up with a solid game plan to have the best chance at successfully removing the stones without having to do a more invasive surgery. He is doing well, eating really good, taking his meds (they have discovered he'll take them in marshmallows now that he has caught on to their fig newton surprises). He is not drinking well at all so they are giving him Gatorade/water via syringe but they are keeping him well hydrated so he is ready to go into surgery. He loves his morning and evening walks and I think the staff is getting a little education on what we all know...that goats are amazing animals with distinct personalities that can be very sweet and loveable.

Hoping Tuesday's surgery is successful and we can get him home soon!

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RE: One of my wethers in surgery at WSU for UC - by CMGifford - 11-22-2020, 02:05 PM

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