Our New Family Member & Other Chit-Chat
Oh how cute! Thanks for sharing your photos! You can add more than one photo per post. Click "choose file" at the bottom left of the page and then click "add attachment" on the bottom right just like you did. Now scroll back down to the bottom and you'll see your photo file attached on the left and the options to "remove" or "insert into post" on the right. Click "insert into post" and it will place your photo in the text area. 

To add another photo, do the exact same thing as above: Click "choose file" and then "add attachment" for each new photo. Then click "insert into post" if you want to place it in the text body. Hope that helps! 

Your new little guy is adorable! Texas is a beautiful place to hike, even if it is hot. I like it in the spring. We've visited the hill country in April and May before. It's gorgeous that time of year.

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RE: Our New Family Member & Other Chit-Chat - by Nanno - 07-29-2018, 09:14 AM

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