Horses & Goats on the trail... compatible? Usually
That is super scary. I have a horse that can rear sky-high when hobbled and can run almost as fast with hobbles as without, so I have no doubt that an aggressive horse is dangerous even when hobbled. I can't really blame the horse--he'd probably never encountered a goat (and especially not a packgoat) before. It's too bad the guy in charge wasn't more proactive about quickly getting control, and it's only good manners for him to apologize. He probably had no idea his horse would act like that when it saw a goat, but that's no excuse to treat the incident like it's not a big deal. The horse was being a menace, and he's going to need close supervision from now on. I have a horse that sometimes chases my goats, and because of that I don't trust him loose around children. My goats are quick enough to run away and dart under the scrub oak, but a kid would be in trouble.

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RE: Horses & Goats on the trail... compatible? Usually - by Nanno - 08-15-2016, 12:28 PM

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