Pack Goat Central

Full Version: LGD Sign
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After meeting up with "Jimr" today to deliver Kahlua to him I drove to an area in the Blue Mtns. named Spring Creek.  It's located in the Wallowa–Whitman National Forest.  As I entered I stopped to read the information on the board.  This flyer was one of the flyers on the board.  I've never seen one of these before.  No sign of sheep, LGD's or shepherds where I hiked.

Sorry about the left facing photo.  I couldn't get it to post correctly!  A techy I obviously am not! Big Grin

Here you go Taffy. Its super easy to fix any picture. Before you post it, right click the pic in its original location. Say in a folder or on your desk top and select preview. At the bottom middle of the page you will see some option icons. 2 of them are for rotating the picture. Once you rotate the pic and close it, it will auto save it. Done Smile
