Pack Goat Central

Full Version: Land use/Blue Mountains..What actions can we take?
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For those of us who are new to goat packing, can somebody tell me which government representatives to write to regarding keeping public lands open to goats?

What organizations should be be joining?  (NAPGA of course, but what others?)

Where do we stand on goat use of the Blue Mountains and what actions can we take to help our cause?  

Hang in there on the Blue Mountain issue. The public comment period is over, ended in December. In the near future there be a way for you help make a statement. If you keep an eye on this forum and belong to NAPgA you will not miss the opportunity. You can call the Forest Service in that area and ask for a copy of the draft they are working on. You can also check it out on online. I've read it and they have proposed no goats in a huge area of that region.
You are wise to make yourself familiar your Forest Service Plan and the proposed revisions.
Check the Columbia Basin Packgoat group in you live in that area.