It's a Good Time to Join/Renew!
This is a shout-out to all of you who are not NAPgA members and a reminder for those who have not yet renewed their membership! 

If you have never been a NAPgA member, this is a great time to join. NAPgA (North American Packgoat Association) is an organization whose primary function is to educate goat packers and keep public lands open to packgoats. Many non-members do not realize that packgoats are under threat by the Federal Government and face bans in many Forest Service, BLM, and Wilderness areas. NAPgA has been on the front lines defending your ability to access these areas. These battles are not cheap. NAPgA won a lawsuit against the Federal Government in 2016, but new battles keep cropping up. 

NAPgA has also been on the forefront of conducting scientific research into packgoat and Bighorn Sheep diseases to investigate whether our goats pose a risk to Bighorn Sheep. So far the evidence has overwhelmingly shown that packgoats are not a disease threat to Bighorns, so one of NAPgA's primary purposes at this time is to roll back the widespread belief that packgoats cause Bighorn Sheep die-offs. 

NAPgA is making great strides in these areas, but NAPgA has no voice without your support and membership. If you have not done so, please take a moment and join or renew your membership.

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